Lots of reasons!

MindFreedom cannot guarantee assisting your travel to Wisdom House, but we will take every effort to help. We needeveryone’s assistance to do this.

Carpooling and ridesharing make ecological and financial sense.

Also, ground transport to Wisdom House from the Bradley International Airport or Amtrak station in Hartford is about a one hour drive. From the MetroNorth stop in Waterbury it’s about half an hour. For those taking a plane or train, ground transport by cab alone can be spendy. Please pitch in.

  • Driving? If you are driving your own vehicle or a rental to the event, please consider offering to share a ride or rides with those flying or taking a train into Hartford or Waterbury. For rental car information from the Bradley International airport go to www.bradleyairport.com/transport/rental_cars.php or go to http://www.wisdomhouse.org for affordable rates.
  • Carpool? If you are registering for the conference and you live in Connecticutor other nearby areas such as New York City, Albany, Boston andRockland County, please fill out the Transport Form to help carpoolwith conference goers and friends.
  • Volunteer? If you can volunteer to help with coordination or driving please tell the the Creative Revolution Transport Team coordinated by Celia Brown.

It’s very important to indicate the specific details of your travel from the Bradley International airport, MetroNorth, Amtrak, Bus Service. This will help MindFreedom staff to coordinate your travel needs in a coordinated and timely fashion. If you can possibly help with transport or need ground transport, please fill out the transportation coordination form. Thank you.

Please feel free to email at office@mindfreedom.org or call 541-345-9106

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