
Do you like what MindFreedom International is doing, but you’re not ready to join yet? Download a free sample of the award-winning MindFreedom Journal #49. This Issue includes news about Global, USA, Media, Choice and Mad Pride Campaigns. Available now in paper, PDF, and plain text versions.

Cherise Clarke of Vancouver (left) and Ruth Ruth of Toronto on the cover of MFJ #49

Who Becomes a MindFreedom Member and Reads the MindFreedom Journal?

We hope you do!

MindFreedommembers include psychiatric survivors, mental health consumers,advocates, family members, and many mental health professionals. Whatdo they have in common? A commitment to the importance of human rightsand alternatives in the mental health system.

What will I find in the Journal?

The new Fall 2008 MindFreedom Journalhas 16 pages of the latest news on mental health human rights, withpersonal stories, color photos, interviews, poetry and a calendar ofevents as well.

Because we believe you will join once you see theexciting work MindFreedom is doing, we’re now offering this  issue of the Journal as a free download. We want to let everyone know what MindFreedom members,sponsors and affiliates are doing to promote human rights andalternatives in mental health.

How to read MF Journal #49 online:

More info about MF Journal:

MindFreedom Journal – first published in 1986 as Dendron — is the award-winning print publication of MindFreedom International.

“Becauseof popular demand from MFI members and advice from other nonprofits, weare intending to publish these smaller issues of our journal, hopefullymore frequently,” said MFI director David Oaks.

If you’d like to volunteer to help publish the MF Journal contact the office.

Would you like to contribute material for the next edition of the MF Journal?

Here in the MindFreedom office, we’re gathering new material for the next edition of the MindFreedom Journal and we need your help to make it a great one.

We are now accepting submissions for the next edition. If you have an essay, a personal story, or even a letter to the editor that you would like to see published, please send it to us for consideration.

Submission Guidelines:

  • 600 words or less.
  • Electronic submissions only. All submissions must be in Microsoft Word, RTF, or plain text format.
  • The deadline for submissions is Monday, 3 November 2008.
  • Send as an attachment, along with your name, address, and telephone number to:

While MindFreedom does not have the resources to pay for accepted submissions, those chosen get a by-line, publication in a journal with a circulation of thousands, and the chance to help win human rights in mental health.

Please note, too, that any submissions not used in the new journal may be used on the MindFreedom website.

Tips on Getting Your Submission Accepted:

  • Make sure your article is a good fit with MindFreedom’s mission. You can learn more about what MindFreedom is all about here: 
  • Because we have a limited space, and want to include as many different voices as we can, smaller is definitely better!
  • Be professional: Correct spelling and grammar not only make for an easier read, they also make less work for our small staff.
  • It is not absolutely required that you be a member of MindFreedom, but because we are a grass-roots, member-driven nonprofit, preference will be given to entries submitted by our current members. If you would like to become a member, (or if you are a current or renewing member who would like to donate!) please click here.

Advertising in the MF Journal:

Here are two great reasons to advertise in the MindFreedom Journal:


You reach thousands of people concerned about human rights and alternatives in the mental health system. The MindFreedom Journal’s estimated readership is 10,000. Many readers are leaders of organizations that are changing mental health care. MindFreedom’s database is one of the largest in the world of independent-minded people and groups who support a nonviolent revolution in the mental health system. This community is difficult or impossible to reach in any other way. The MindFreedom

Journal is mailed to thousands, as well as handed out for free in many of the key annual conferences and other events in our  field.


Your ad directly supports the publishing of this important journal – a journal that has been in print since 1986. You show that you believe in human rights and alternatives in mental health care. You help keep MindFreedom independent. Be part of making history!

For pricing information, you can download an information sheet as a PDF.

Disclaimer: Paid ads do not necessarily represent the position of MindFreedom and its board of directors; however, MindFreedom does not accept ads from those known to be involved in human rights violations in the mental health system, or any other illegal activity. Please direct any concerns or questions about advertising to the office.

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