Everyone who can will be sending positive energy, good thoughts, love, and prayers towards David & Family, wishing him a speedy recovery!

oaks-shock-protestOn December 1st, 2012, David Oaks fell off a loft ladder while trying to retrieve Bongo (his cat) from a loft in his home office. An MRI as well as other imaging testing later showed he had broken the C7 bone in his neck. He has undergone surgery, and he has a long road towards recovery ahead of him.

What this means is: David & Family need our support!

There’s a number of things that we as MindFreedom can do to support him, including moving MindFreedom’s activism and non-violent revolution in mental health care forward.

But we can also send him our positive energy, good thoughts, love, and prayers!
To that end, we’re setting aside a special day — Monday, December 10th — as an around-the-world, official MindFreedom DAY FOR DAVID. MindFreedom members and supporters will take time out to meditate on a good outcome for David and his family, in whatever way feels comfortable to them.

Here are some ways you can participate in the December 10th DAY FOR DAVID:

  1. Set aside time to pray/meditate on a speedy recovery for David and comfort for his family and friends.
  2. Fast for part or all of the day in honor of David (remember the MFI Hunger Strike he lead in 2003?)
  3. Write a letter or card to David and his family, letting them know you’re thinking of them.
    (Cards can be sent to the MindFreedom office: 454 Willamette St. Eugene, OR 97401 or to David’s house: 2000 City View, Eugene, OR 97405)

Let’s send David & Family the message that we — MindFreedom members and supporters — are behind him 100%!


(photo at right: David doing what he loves best! Participating in an electroshock protest at Alternatives Conference 2012 in Portland, OR.)