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Opal launch

Info about the launch of Opal network in May 2007.

News Item New Network for Mental Health Empowerment in Lane County Launched
A new alliance called the “Opal Network” is beginning in Lane County, Oregon to support the voice, empowerment and self-determination of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors. All agencies involved with mental health, along with all interested mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors, are invited to the initial meeting on Tuesday, 29 May 2007.
Event New Network for Mental Health Empowerment in Lane County, Oregon Launched (Bascom-Tykeson Room in the Eugene Public Library Main Building, 100 W. 10th Ave., Eugene, Oregon, USA, from May 29, 2007 02:00 PM to May 29, 2007 04:00 PM)
A new alliance called the “Opal Network” is beginning in Lane County, Oregon to support the voice, empowerment and self-determination of mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors. All agencies involved with mental health, along with all interested mental health consumers and psychiatric survivors, are invited to the initial meeting.
File MS Word flyer (revised.4) for launch of “Opal Network” Tues., 29 May 2007
All mental health agencies and mental health consumers and psychiatric survivor in Lane County are invited to this event to support the voice, empowerment and self-determination of mental health clients! Work with other agencies, together! [This is the latest revised version (.4) uploaded 20 May 2007.]
File PDF flyer (revised.4) for launch of “Opal Network” Tues., 29 May 2007
All mental health agencies and mental health consumers and psychiatric survivor in Lane County are invited to this event to support the voice, empowerment and self-determination of mental health clients! Work with other agencies, together! [This is the latest revised PDF version (.4) uploaded 20 May 2007.]

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